Look Alive Dry Flowers
2340 Seneca St, Binghamton, NY 13903 (800) 335-3313
tel / (607) 348-0384 fax
Email: petals@lookalive.com

(fax this form to us after first reviewing the terms of sale & policies, and we will call to complete your order)

Order Date:           Desired Arrival Date:   Ship via UPS Ground
Sold To:   Ship to (if different):
St Address:
Telephone: Best Time to Call:
Alt Telephone: Best Time to Call:
(You must include your telephone number for order confirmation)  



To order a sample, check this box. Each sample cost $5.

  (Type in 3 colors to choose from: White, Pink, Peach, Lavender, Purple, Red, Burgundy, Yellow, and Chocolate)
Shipping & Handling - UPS Ground Service*
Grand Total:
* New York sales tax will be added if shipped to a New York address.
* All prices are in US dollars. Shipping method and cost will be different outside Continental USA.

Safety Information - Do not use dry flower petals in wet conditions. Hardly any commercial product would seem more innocent than dry flower petals, but they can create annoying or even dangerous conditions if misused. If they are wetted - as by rain, melted snow, or spilled beverages, they can stain carpets, flooring, and clothes as readily as fresh ones and they become slippery on floors, steps, or walkways. Avoid spreading dry flower petals on dance floors or anywhere feet may be moving fast or in unusual motions - the petals can reduce traction just the same as would as similar size bits of paper. Use of dry flower petals in bedclothes may cause some staining from pressure and body moisture. When you are creating beautiful and fun uses for dry flower petals use good sense about these issues. If you are a reseller or event coordinator be sure this safety information is passed along to your customers and clients. Our products are decorative - Do not eat them.

Contract of Sale
- Each sale is a separate contract, and whether in writing or verbal is subject to our TERMS OF SALE AND POLICIES shown on our How to Order page. Please read them all carefully. Your consent to these terms will be implied by the placement of each order.