- in your Flower Girl baskets
- to toss at the Bride and Groom

Or, when you want a rose petal covered walkway, or you want to make a rose petal pathway across the lawn, but fresh rose petals might wilt too quickly, be too slippery, or would cost too much.

Real Dry Rose Petals That Look Like Fresh™ are real rose petals that have been freeze-dried to retain the delicate natural shape and natural colors of fresh rose petals but are more acceptable to churches and event facilities for tossing and strewing because they are dry - less risk of staining carpets, floors, and clothing.

Real Dry Rose Petals That Look Like Fresh™ do not wilt. You can make your own rose petal accessories and decorate ahead of time, and save money and reduce stress on yourself and your helpers. Rose petal toss portions can be prepared in advance, you can make your own rose petal pathway, and you can decorate your hall and tables with rose petals yourselves - all before that big last minute.

Real Dry Rose Petals That Look Like Fresh™ are easier to use than fresh rose petals. They are more economical to buy then fresh rose petals. They are easier to clean up, too.

Now you can have an elegant wedding and lavish wedding just like a movie star - on your budget!

A wedding to remember…  
         The wedding of your dreams…
                 With Rose Petals Everywhere!

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Copyright by Petal Garden, Inc. 2007  All rights reserved.